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My Story
I am a daughter to John and Yolanda, a sister to Nancy and Allan, auntie to Ava and Archie, a mum to my fur baby Lola and wife to the love of my life Paul.
I have decided to be of service to women as I feel many have become caught up in the convenience and distractions of life and the social conditioning of what we should be... rather than what we actually want to be.
I want women to remember who they are and awaken them to feel confident, open, loved and supported in all aspects of their life.
When I did my first 200hr yoga teacher training (YTT), I realised how detached I was to my spirituality. On my 350hr YTT, was when I discovered my disconnect from my mind. During my fertility journey and on a sacred cycle course, I realised how disconnected I was to my body and my inner seasons. Until finally, when I discovered Kundalini yoga and meditation through my 10 moon + 13 moon healer training, the penny finally dropped... I wasn't who I wanted to be and wasn't living life intentionally.
This awakening has called me to share all my learnings with other women, in the trust I can make a difference to other woman and allow the impact to ripple out to others.
I live my life from a place of simplicity, love, gratitude and kindness and couldn't be happier even whilst going through my own fertility journey.
It has been a long struggle for me to trust 'divine timing' and to 'surrender'. Through my own practice of connecting back to myself and therefore everyone else when recognising we are all one. I finally understand, feel calm, love and trust that the universe will always have my back.
I invite you to connect with me if my story has resonated with you. Especially if you are looking for a new way to reconnect back to your most authentic self again, or return to a state of balance and calm or are on a fertility journey of your own.
Everything happens for a reason and I feel it's no mistake you have found me. So thank you for finding me and reading my story.
Sat Nam x

My Approach
I want to create a sacred space for you to feel safe, calm and open to be your most authentic self. My offerings are to bring back a sense of balance and calm to your mind, body and spirit.
I'm here to help you relax, connect back to yourself and to create a lasting change within you.
I do this by getting an understanding of what has brought you to me, then tuning into your body and your higher self. I am then just a conduit for what you need to hear, see or feel.
The magic happens once we have created calm in your body.
Your mind gets an opportunity to rest which finally allows your energy to do what it is supposed to do, which is to return you back into a state of balance.